All pages of our store are encrypted, so shopping and your data are safe with us.
We support the following payment methods in the store:



Your payment will be credited to our account immediately and the order automatically goes into execution mode. One of the most popular international payment methods - fast and secure. You do not need to have a PayPal account to use this method.

Fast Tpay payments


Your payment will be credited to our account immediately and the order automatically goes into execution mode. We service all the most popular banks in Poland - safely and securely. If necessary, you can also use a regular transfer via the Tpay system.

Direct transfer to our bank account

Depending on the bank which runs your account, the time of booking on our account may vary. It usually doesn't take more than 1-2 business days. If you use this method of payment for the order, you have 5 days to make the transfer - after this time we may cancel the order.

Payments in Polish zlotys PLN payments:
Payment recipient: ADOT Sp. z o.o.
Recipient address: Partyzantów 11, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland
Account number: 33 1020 2498 0000 8102 0579 1845
Bank: PKO BP

For EUR payments:
Payment recipient: ADOT Sp. z o.o.
Recipient address: Partyzantów 11, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland
IBAN account number: PL11 1020 2498 0000 8302 0579 1852
Bank: PKO BP

Payment in cash on delivery

After selecting this payment method, your order goes into execution mode, and you make the payment when the parcel is delivered by courier. Remember to prepare the exact cash in advance - the courier may have no change. This payment method may be used only if the country of delivery is Poland.

Payment at personal pick-up

After selecting this payment method, your order goes into execution mode, and you make the payment when you collect your order at our address. In our store, you can pay by cash (have the exact amount) or card. You can pick up your order at: Partyzantów 11, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland, contact phone number: +48,600,994,312.